Sunday, July 12, 2009

A busy summer...

WOW - what a crazy, busy and fast-moving summer this has been so far!

The last day
of school for kids was Thursday June 4th. Then Friday I had teacher planning and then Saturday I was on a plane to Portland to visit my family. My brother, his wife and my sister live there. My parents drove over from Montana to join the festivities. We had a great time. We got Neal, Laura and Anne moved into their new place. Then we got to spend a couple of days on the coast tide-pooling and visiting the local aquarium


On Friday the 12, I flew down to LA to visit one of my best friends Kim and her family. My Aunt Sharon and my cousin also live near there, so I got to spend a day with them as well (photo on right).
Kim and I got to hit the piers and just enjoy the fabulous CA weather!

I flew back to FL on the following Wed and hung out there through the rest of the week. then the following Wednesday I drove up to Atlanta to visit all my peeps! =)

One of the main reasons I drove up at that specific time was to see my friend Gwen have her beautiful baby daughter - yes I got to be in the delivery room and everything!

In between I got to visit Tim and Lacy, Dave and Melanie and Jeremy and Natalie - all wonderful friends who put me up for a night. We just chatted/caught up/had a blast seeing each other again. I miss them all very dearly! ;)


I got back on July 4 - just in time for FL fireworks. It has been a great month of travling, but I was definitely exhausted when I got back!

Hope you all are having a wonderful summer!

PS there will always be more photos up to see on Facebook and on my flickr page (I'm a little behind on the flickr photos, but that's where the bulk of my Paraguy photos will be when I get down there!)

1 comment:

  1. I know I'm late commenting on this posting of your blog but I really appreciate all the wonderful photos you've added which of course reminds us all of a super great Oregon visit. So wonderful to have photos you can easily access of family and friends. Your "fans" will get to see and read it all! Hugs and Love!!
