Monday, September 20, 2010

I am back in the States!

Hello to all my family and friends!
I am officially back in Fort Lauderdale for the next 2 weeks - SUPER excited to be back here!

It was quite a busy and stressful 2 weeks just getting up here though. Before I got here, I came down with some type of bug along with an infection in my back molar - ouch! Fortunately, the dental industry in Paraguay is really good. My friends gave me the name of a dentist and she is super sweet and very professional. She got me hooked up on antibiotics and then cleaned me up before I flew up here. She thinks it is only a really bad cavity and not my root, which is encouraging. But I will go back and get it all officially taken care of when I head back down there.

Thursday night (9/16) my friends were so sweet and threw me a surprise "going away/have a great trip" pizza party. It was so super sweet of them. They were all quick to tell me though that I had better come back down to Paraguay and not stay in Florida! haha

Friday night I flew out and got in at like 7am in the morning. I was exhausted to say the least. Nothing like eating dinner on a plane at 1am or having "snack time" at 4:30am - really? what's that about?? do we really need coke or juice at 4:30am???

Harmoni and her daughter were nice enough to drive down to Miami to pick me up. We even hit Waffle House for breakfast - luv me some pecan waffles!!!! That evening we went out for some yummy Mexican food. The food in Paraguay is good, but very simple and usually not spicy. So I have definitely been looking forward to eting some spicy food while I am up there! Afterwards, we headed to the beach to look at some turtle nests. Unfortunately, the eggs didn't hatch on our watch, but they should be popping soon!

Sunday I went to church and just had a fab time seeing everyone again. I even had the opportunity to share in front of everyone about my year in Paraguay. I was pretty nervous, but everyone said it didn't show (thank you God for that! haha).
The church leadership conference will be this thu-sunday. I will even be talking for one of the classes on Sat for people who are interested in coming down to live and serve one of the churches down in South America. Still working on what I will be saying - pray for me please! =)

got plans to hit the outlets, the beach and just try and visit with as many friends as possible. YAY!

hugs to you all!


  1. WHOO HOO!! Back home you are and welcome, welcome, WELCOME!! I know everyone was so sad to see you leave but everyone in Florida is overjoyed to see your return. A balance of the hello's and good bye's. Have a super fun time with all you do and see. Soak up all the love and friendship to take back with you to PY. You have it so great on both ends! Hugs and love!!

  2. Ah, it's killin me to have you so close and not be able to see you, but I am so glad you are back for a bit. I know you will do great at the conference speaking no matter the topic. You have such a genuine relate-ability when you are speaking. I know everyone will get something out of it. I'll pray for you to be confident and prepared.
