Thursday, August 12, 2010

August update

Hello all!
Well I realize that it has been awhile since I have written a blog, although I have to say I don't think I have done anything super exciting since the last one! haha

In July, I did get a 3 week winter break from school, which was nice. The vacation is really only 2 weeks long. But with the cold we were having, the Ministry of Education decided to extend it for a week. The schools, offices, houses here are just not built for the cold at all. So it was decided it was better for the kids to keep them out another week. Ironically that third week was nice and sunny and fairly warm. But the week we went back it got cold and chilly again - too funny! I didn't do much on my vacation - aka didn't go anywhere. But it was nice to just chill, rent some movies, hang out with friends and not have to rush off to work!

July 17 was my one year anniversary for being down here and I am finally in a place where I feel comfortable here. I have made great friends, and I am working enough so I have a decent amount of $ to live on. Still lacking a lot on the Spanish front, but it has definitely gotten better. It was pretty chilly that specific day, so a few friends and I celebrated by watching a movie and chilling out together, it was really nice! =) It's hard to believe though that I have already been here for a year. I mean where the heck did the time go? weird!

I do have exciting news to share though - It's funny how much God has been working on my heart down here. As you all know, my original plan was to come down here for a year and then head back up in July. But as July got closer and closer, the more I realized I wasn't quite ready to head back to the US yet. So the fab news is that I will be staying down here another year and working part-time as an intern for the church! I will be working with the single/campus women in our church! I am SUPER excited and encouraged that God has made this possible. I totally believe that God has me down here for a reason (still working on what that is, but... haha). So I am definitely looking forward to another year here in PY. The original plan was for me to go ahead and quit teaching my third graders now. But with only 3 months left in the school year, everyone seemed to think it would better to finish the school year and end things well (i.e. don't burn the bridge!). can't say that I am super excited about it, to be honest. I am just sooo not an elem school teacher - it's weird I know, but middle schoolers are my fav age group! who knew? LOL But I also know that finishing the school year will be the best thing for everyone! =)

I am heading up to Fort Lauderdale in September though for the leadership conference. I will be there for 2 weeks and can't wait to try and hang out with everyone! I miss everyone so much! =)

I am also really glad that I get to head up to FL right now because I will be flying over to Portland, Oregon to spend Christmas with the fam and just wouldn't have time or the $ to head south. So, this works out perfectly!

I guess that is it for now!
hope you all are well!


  1. It's great to hear about the events in your life and how God is working in your life and, no doubt, the lives of many others in PY because of you being there. Thank you for sharing.

    Irazema and I are also very excited about attending the Leadership Conference in September. We look forward to seeing you there and catching up in person.

    May God continue to bless and keep you.

    Felix Flemons

  2. Thanks for another great update. The news of continuing with the 3rd grade class doesn't surprise me. Your leaving the kiddos now really wouldn't be good for them. You'll likely look back on this year with them and be amazed at home much YOU learned from them! Blessings come in small packages...even 3rd grade size packages! (<:)

    Very excited about your trip to Florida in September. Without a doubt everyone is so anxious to see you. Skype and email are wonderful but there's nothing like the in person hugs!

    Stay warm. We love you and wish you the very best in your new internship.

    love, Mom and Dad
