Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Happy (belated) Thanksgiving!

Happy Belated Thanksgiving to you all! I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday and were able to spend it family and friends. I was definitely missing everyone on Thanksgiving Day. It was hard to imagine everyone gathered around eating, chatting, watching football (of course!), while I was on a bus heading to Argentina to get my passport stamped so I could stay another 3 months in Paraguay.(that was a LONG day to say the least!)
It’s also hard to believe that 2009 is coming to a close and that I have managed to survive these last 2 years. I have MUCH to be grateful for during this holiday season. Here’s the short list - LOL
1) God – NO WAY I could have made it through without Him.

2) My family – You all have been a constant source of love, encouragement and support. I miss you all dearly, but am grateful that we have been able to skype and email so much!

3) My best friends – you are all spread out – FL, GA and CA, but I know that I can call on each one of you and you will always be there for me. I am grateful that I have always been able to cry, laugh and be angry around you all. You ALL took me in, fed me, loved me and gave me LOTS of ice cream and Kleenex. ;) Thank you.
(Yes, Nicky I am crying as I type this – did you even need to ask? LOL)

4) My new family down here in Paraguay - When I told them I was missing everyone in the U.S. for Thanksgiving, they were all quick to remind me that they were my family now and that I can’t forget that. God has been quick to bless me with many wonderful friends down here!

5) Everyone else – thanks for all of your love and your support as well!

Last Saturday (11/28) I decided to host my own Thanksgiving down here. My mom was nice enough to send me a tablecloth and some napkins (thx mom!). My friend Laura came over and cooked up three chickens and mashed potatoes for me (turkey is unfortunately way too expensive down here). While she was busy doing that, I made 2 apple pies for dessert – yum! Including kids, we had about 15 people there and everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Frank explained Thanksgiving to them in Spanish. I had explained a bit of it to many of them earlier in the week, but his explanation, was of course more thorough/detailed! LOL!
Here are a few photos from the event! Notice the shorts and t-shirts, as it is getting HOT HOT HOT here!

A couple of weeks ago, I went to another soccer game. A second “Clasico” actually – Olimpia vs Cerro. We sat through the game in the pouring rain. The only other time I have sat through a sports game in the rain was (I think) a Georgia/ Florida game, which definitely could rival a Cerro/Olimpia game! Unfortunately, we lost again. We thought we had a chance when we scored the first goal, but they came back to win 2-1. What’s funny is that I put this photo of me up on Facebook and everyone thought I had dyed my hair blonde (nope, just me in a yellow poncho) – too funny!

I can’t say much has gone on in the last month or so. School is winding down. I think the kids will finish around Dec 10th or so. Teachers’ last day will be December 18th. I have actually been out of commission for the last 2 weeks. I caught a cold from my fellow students, which unfortunately turned into a sinus infection. But thanks to a nice teacher at my school, who is a former nurse, I was able to buy some antibiotics and get back on track!
On December 19th, my sister is flying down to spend Christmas with me. I am SUPER excited about that! I can’t wait to show her around and see some new places myself! Some Christmas décor has been up for awhile, but I noticed tonight that every place is now throwing out all the stops. It looks so pretty here! I will definitely try and get some photos soon! =) This is a photo of my friend Valeria and I.

I hope you all are doing well. For those of you who are not on Facebook, feel free to hop on over and join the fun. I definitely have more day-to-day updates there!
Love you to you all!

1 comment:

  1. And the Mom has tears in her eyes reading this wonderful posting. We've missed you so much but are totally grateful that your blessings are HUGE in Paraguay. Much to be thankful for after some difficult times. When you're at the bottom, one must always look up!
    Love and hugs sweet Sarah. Mom
