Monday, August 17, 2009

Today is one month!

Hola a todos!

Well it is official – as of today, I have been living in Paraguay for one month now! There have definitely been some ups and downs here, but I definitely feel that God has been taking care of me the whole time!

So, I FINALLY got a cell phone. I was pretty frustrated there for awhile that I didn’t have a way to contact people and the cell phone company was being a bit frustrating about not wanting to give me a cell phone plan. In the end I went with a pay-as-you-go plan. I just buy a card with a certain number of minutes on it and then buy another when it runs out. ACTUALLY I should say # of seconds, apparently you get charged by the second here and NOT the minute. Needless to say people don’t chat a lot on their phones! but they do text msg, which is good. now I just have to learn spanish text lingo! HA

Last Saturday we had a women’s conference at our church and it was awesome! Liz (women’s ministry leader for our church) asked me earlier in the week to share my story, along with 2 other women. Flavia shared about being married with two kids, and Valeria spoke about being a single mom. I got to talk about my divorce and how God helped me to finally be able to follow my dream to live in a Latin country! I was soooo nervous about getting up and speaking in Spanish. God helped me pull it off though because everyone said I did a good job! (whew). Afterwards, Liz gave a great sermon. Then there was singing and raffles and food – overall a huge success! I thank everyone for their good wishes and prayers!

Weather update – it is very strange here. it is back to freezing today (ok like 55 but that's cold!). But, over the weekend we got into the 90s – I was so grateful that the church has a/c! But tonight I am back to using my space heater. Of course Yessica just chuckled since apparently the heat over the weekend is NOTHING compared to the heat in Dec and Jan! YIKES I may just need to go travel for 2 months! LOL

On a fun food front, I did find a twix bar and oreo cookies today at the grocery store – super fun! Overall though, the food is simple, but good here. I haven’t seen anything too weird yet (although I am told there is some sort of soup thing with intestines they like to make!). My favorite thing are the chicken empanadas - yummy! I do have plans to make macaroni cheese and peanut butter cookies at some point in time for people though

Anyway, hope all is well with everyone!

Miss you all very much!

Lots of hugs and kisses!



PS If you have looked for my photos on flickr, I am having a really hard time getting them uploaded to the site. It is REALLY REALLY slow and for now I may just stick to photos on facebook, or only a few on flickr! my apologies! =)

1 comment:

  1. Didn't get to comment earlier. So great to read the conference went well. Certainly a challenge for you being so new to the country and active use of the language. With the purchase of that cell phone, now you'll feel even more "connected". All is working out....

    Love, Mom
