Thursday, February 2, 2012

Yummy PY Foods

So my other project for the year is to take a picture a day and FINALLY complete a Project 365 (or really 366 this year). I have attempted this many times in the past and have come close, but never actually been able to finish it. I see myself doing really well until I get back to the states, then we will see what happens. Here in PY I am hoping that the project helps me to capture all the small details that I won't want to forget on down the road.

This past month I took a bunch of food photos and thought I would share a few.  I think most know that I can tend to be a picky eater, so I was definitely nervous about the food situation when I made the decision to come down here. Fortunately, the food here is very "normal," plain and easy to eat *whew.* Lots of chicken, beef, pork, pasta, rice. The food isn't even spicy down here (which I DO miss). They don't even have salad dressing down here (if they dress it up it will just be lemon and salt or oil and vinegar) - perfect for me! 

This is a photo one of my FAVORITE soups here - it's called Bori Bori de Pollo. Although to be honest, I really only want to eat it if my friend Anita makes it, no one else's can compare! LOL
It is basically their version of chicken noodle soup. The balls are a mix of cornmeal and cheese. Then just chicken and various veggies. I have NEVER been a soup person (the ONE exception is my mom's chicken noodle soup). But this I can always go for.!

FYI the bread in the back are french rolls - you can get like 6 of those for like 25 cents - if even that much! ooh and when you can buy them at the store fresh and hot....soooo good!!!!

It may be a little hard to tell in this photo,but those are fruits growing off the wire lattice. They are passion fruits actually - not quite ripe here.When they are ripe they will be yellow and wrinkly.They always seem to have them grow on top of some type of wire lattice. the vine grows across the top and then the fruits hang down.

I would say the fruit here is hit and miss (my opinion)

SUPER YUMMY FRUITS: Strawberries, any citrus, plums, pears, mangoes,guava, passion fruit, 

NOT so yummy fruits: pineapple, peaches, grapes

Don't like bananas so I can't give you an opinion. Apples themselves can be hit and miss, green tend to be pretty good.

I actually wasn't super sold on passion fruit until my friend Laura made a passion fruit mousse - 
A-MAZING!!!! I have been hooked ever since! *note to self, don't forget to get that recipe!*

There is a guava jam here that everyone seems to love, except for me of course. It is in all the pastries or you can just buy tubs of it for your toast. I didn't like it from the beginning and therefore had never bothered to try the fruit since to me it smells like the jam, so pretty much figured it would taste the same. It wasn't until I traveled up to Tacuati and Eli's dad had trees of the fruit in his back yard. I went ahead and tried it and realized that it was actually pretty good. They even had a type that was yellow in the middle and a bit milder in flavor,which I like better. It was fun walking around the town picking fruit off the trees as we went to the river! =)  Still not sure I am up for a guava jam-filled croissant, but the fruit I can go for!

Here is a picture of asadito - basically just grilled shish-kabobs. The first one is chicken and the other one is pork. The whitish-yellow things are mandioca, or also known as yucca in the US (well in Miami at least). Mandioca is a root like a potato and has that starchy flavor to it. It is very traditional to eat mandioca with chorizo (a type of sauasage not pictured here) or with asadito. Actually they often eat it with any meal, but definitely when grilled meats are involved. They can be kind of a pain to peel though since the skin is thicker and tougher than a potato. But usually worth it in the end! =)

So those are some quick PY food photos from the month.

Right now I am just teaching one class on Tuesdays and Thursdays for adults. Full-on teaching probably won't happen until March, so definitely trying to enjoy my last month of vacation.It is extremely hot here - about 100 every day, although until recently the humidity has been fairly low. Today thoughI think it was like 95 with like 90 percent humidity - never a fun combo! LOL  So just trying to stay cool, always grateful for my a/c.

Hope you all are doing well!


  1. Delightfully descriptive with great photos. Are you trying to get some recipes?

  2. You had me at cornmeal and cheese.
