Monday, October 12, 2009

chicken hearts or marshmallows - which would you rather try for the first time? ;)

HOLA a todos! (hey ya'll) LOL

Well it has been a busy few weeks here in Paraguay. At the end of September we celebrated Liz’s birthday. A few women met at restaurant to help her celebrate the big day. Then the next day we had a big party for her with everyone else.

September 29 is a national holiday here and no one had to work (yay!). So all the singles at the church decided to hang out and spend the day together. The original plan was to go out of town. But then cold weather showed up and so we hung out at the church building all day. We hung out, sang, had a bible class, ate lunch... Then the day ended with the guys singing a few songs to all the girls. They even sang one in English for me! It was a great way to spend the day. =)

Last Friday night we had a few people over to grill out. We cooked beef ribs, pork and sausages for everyone to eat. However, for an appetizer, they made kabobs out of chicken hearts. I did try one, can’t say I am interested in eating one again though. They all thought they were fabulous though! ;)

After dinner, my contribution was to let people try roasted marshmallows for the first time. We turned on the natural gas stove and roasted away. They all loved them! Personally I think they got the better end of the deal in the “new foods to try” category! LOL

I will be heading out of town this Wednesday to a town in Paraguay that is about 2 hours away. I am very excited to finally be able to get out and see more of Paraguay.

I have officially been here for 3 months now!

Miss you all and hope you all are doing well!



1 comment:

  1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the marshmallow toasting. What a great yummy taste to share with your friends. I'm sending graham crackers! You've just gotta have S'mores.

    I can appreciate the effort to try the roasted chicken hearts. I could be tempted to give it a go on our grill this summer. The problem is getting past the raw look....maybe a good dipping sauce is in order? Good for you for giving it a brownie taste try!

    Congrats on the milestone of 3 months. You're soooooooo doing just great!!

    Love and miss you, Mom and Dad
