Friday, April 3, 2009

Decision time

Hello all!
So Welcome to my blog page! Right now, I am doing a test post here to see if this will really email everyone for me!

As you all know (well most of you I think), I am trying to decide between going to Chile or Paraguay to live for the year. Right now I am leaning towards Paraguay - there is a great couple who has been staying up here in FL for the last few months. They are going to be heading down to lead our sister church in Paraguay and have said that I can come live with them if I end up going down there. They really are just a sweet couple and have very nice things to say about Paraguay and the church down there.

So, on Monday I am going to head down to the Paraguay embassy in Miami and try and get a tourist visa. It might not work out though since your passport has to be at least 6 months old and I got my new one in March, 2009. So pray about that - I am sure God will make it obvious though about where I need to go!

Anyway, please let me know if you got an email about this blog being posted.
Hope you all are well- miss you!

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