Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Just one word for 2012...

**Before I get into the actual meat of the post here, I should mention/announce that for those of you who don't know/haven't heard yet...I will be officially moving back to the US sometime in June/July. Not sure on a date yet, but it will be sometime around there. July 2012 = 3 years in Paraguay!!
I can't even believe it has been that long really. Sometimes it seems like I just got here, other times it is like I have been here forever! Honestly, it is something that needs to happen, financially-speaking. But I am also not really ready to start thinking about it since it makes me want to cry!! Pray for me please!****

That concludes today's announcement! ;)

So, January is usually filled with people talking about and making all sorts of New Year's resolutions, goals... I have never been one to really get into making resolutions. Not even really sure I could give you a reason why, to me it just seemed like something most people do, but never really follow through with, myself included.

With that in mind, I decided to do something different this year. I signed up for an online, year-long scrapbook class with Ali Edwards called "One Little Word."

ok so a scrapbook class for me isn't THAT different... but this specific one is..haha

The idea behind this class is instead of making random resolutions, you just have to choose one word. Choose one word that will be the theme for the year. The word will be something to focus on, meditate on, think about over the course of the year. People in the class have already chosen words like "balance", "more" "nurture" "satisfied" "create." Ali herself chose the word "up." Then each month she will send us journaling ideas, scrapbook and/or photography challenges to complete... At the end of the year, we will have a scrapbook album filled with layouts and photos that will display how we used our word over the year.

So after coming up with different ideas, I finally decided to choose the word "LIGHT." What I like about this word is that it has so many definitions, synonyms, different ways to use and think about it. It has the obvious definition of something being bright, or vivid. But it can also mean hope and truth, along with being light from worries and anxieties. I think it will be a great word for me for 2012!!!

Why did I choose this word you ask??

Well, I picked this word because November and December ended up being pretty tough months for me. The end of the school year is ALWAYS hard for me (in the US - May/June are THE worst months ever!).I am tired, the students are tired, there are exams, grades, final paperwork blah blah blah - it's exhausting trying to finish a school year. Then, 2 good American friends left Paraguay to head back to the US. I was also having roommate troubles, so I moved again (although the new roommate and the new place are soooooo much better!!! TOTALLY worth the move!). Then the holidays came and while I had a great time, it is still always hard to be away from family, away from our xmas traditions, away from xmas in the wintertime (vs 100 degree weather here) ... There was definitely a point that I hit where I was wondering if I just shouldn't head back to the US in January or February after the holidays. I mean no one was making me stay in PY. My original goal was to stay here for just one year and with now two and a half years under my belt, I had obviously accomplished that goal. Why not just go ahead and head back? I was tired mentally, physically and spiritually.

BUT after much thought, prayer and some much needed relaxation time, (a.k.a. swimming in a sweet river up in the country-side - see previous post for details).

I decided that I didn't want to leave PY feeling run-down and exhausted and blah. I want to leave PY feeling light, happy, positive, spiritually strong, and ready to take on the next thing that God has planned for me.

I think this scrapbook class, this word is really going to help me do that. One of my huge flaws is always thinking negatively about things. Focusing on this word will help me to see the positive side of things. I want to be a light, a source of encouragement, an example to my friends, to the teens at my church, to my students over the next 5 months. I want to get rid of worries and anxieties and just trust that not only does God have a plan for my life, but that He has a GREAT plan for my life. I want to have peace, hope and joy in my heart!

Now the negative-thinking side of me sees this written down right now and thinks "girl, are ya crazy? that ain't never gonna happen this year" (hmm why does the negative side have a southern accent?? no idea LOL). So, I need to stop that thinking right now and focus on being positive - I CAN make this a positive year!( maybe my positive side will have a Paraguayan accent! LOL)

So here is the first page of my album and my first attempt at digital scrapbooking. She sent us the template and we just had to fill in the boxes as we saw fit. Honestly, I don't think I will ever convert to being a 100% digital scrapper - I like playing with ribbons, fabrics, stamps and glue too much.... But I decided to give it a shot for this first page! I still need to add something to the 2 empty boxes But, I got stuck and figured that I might as well just upload what I have so far or this blog would never get done! LOL.
I tried to make it big enough for you to read, but I will explain what the boxes say below because I think it is too hard to read. Ali also suggsted picking colors for the year. Yellow was an obvious choice of course, but I think I will pair it with blues and maybe greens on down the road - kind of a natury/beachy look.

The box at the top says "definition" and it is where we have to chose various definitions of the word. The definitons I included are:
· The radiance or illumination from a particular source
· The condition of being visible or known
· Without burdens, difficulties, or problems; easily borne or done
· A person considered to be an authority or leader

Middle left says "thesaurus," where we write synonyms. I chose: Luminous, Truth, Radiant, Example, Weightless, Hope, Carefree, Cheerful

Middle box explains why we chose the word (already explained that)

Middle Right says "with this word I invite" - what do you want to see in your life this year because of this year. I wrote: "Closer relationship with God, Positive thinking, Peace in my heart, Joy, Inspiring others, New possibilities with new hopes and ,and dreams, Opportunities to shine, teach, and enjoy my life."

Bottom Right is where we write quotations that contain our word. My quotes are:

“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” 1 Pet 2:9

“When you possess light within, you see it externally" - Anais Nin

“For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Mt 11:30

Pretty cool way to start off the year with our word I think - can't wait to see what February will bring, it is supposed to be lots of photo challenges!

So whether you made resolutions or not, I wish you all a wonderful 2012. You all encourage me so much and I am always grateful for the prayers, good wishes and love that you always send my way! Here's to a positive and encouraging 2012!!! =)


  1. Hey, very cool.. you were talking about this 'one word' theme a couple of months ago. I like that you've gone a head and signed up! I look forward to seeing what you come up with. I don't need another project, but I do like the idea of this one word a year, one page a month bit.

  2. What you've shared in this blog is so beautiful. The scrapbook project is a wonderful way to express your heart! I especially like the sand, sea, and foam colors of your pages. I'll really look forward to your blog entries.

  3. I am so encouraged by you Sarah! This is so will be inspiring to watch God help you grow from the inside out to be a woman who is full of faith and light in even more ways you already are:)
