Monday, June 6, 2011

Paraguay's Bicentennial!

What a fun and amazing experience it was to be down here for this momentous celebration. Official Independence Day here is celebrated the 14th and 15th of May, with the 15th also being Mother's day as well. But activities were held throughout the entire month, all culminating to the big weekend!

The whole city was decked out - below are a few buildings with their cool lights/decor!

Friday the 13th, a group of us headed downtown to kick off the weekend festivities with everyone. We sat down for awhile at a show at a building called the Cabildo. The building used to be where all the political people met, but now it is a pretty cool museum. The photos below show some traditional Paraguayan dancing.

The next day we woke up to pouring rain and thunderstorms, so I actually didn't head out until later that day. But what a fun day it turned out to be. Behind the Palacio (basically PY's version of the White House) was a HUGE concert and it was FULL FULL FULL of people.I couldn't even begin to count, but it had to have been thousands and thousands!!! After various groups sang and danced, they showed this "video projection"on the back of the Palacio - I took a picture of the last part when it said "200." After that there was a HUGE fireworks show. Man, I LOVE watching fireworks, I really do. It really is my favorite part of the the 4th of July. Independence day isn't normally celebrated much here during the other years, so this was a special treat for everyone!

It took us forever to get back home that night - we probably caught one of the last buses leaving the city and that was only after walking quite a ways!! whew

But even after 2 long days, we still had more to see! We headed back out to the Palacio where they were trying to inflate like 5 or 6 hot air balloons that were supposed to take off after that. Unfortunately it was just way to windy and they gave up after awhile. So we just walked around and took pics. The beachy looking away is part of the Paraguay river that cuts the country in half. It was cool to see so many boats on the water!

Apparently, it was a miracle my friend Eli and I could be on the back stairs of the Palacio and have our picture taken. Normally the back part of the Palacio is VERY off-limits. If you try and get anywhere near it, the soldiers definitely get upset. But the whole back part was open this weekend so all the Paraguayans were taking advantage of it! It was very cool!

Some group shots of my friends!

It was a VERY long weekend, but it was sooo cool to be a part of this event and see the very strong national pride that the Paraguayans have!

Last year - the World Cup, this year - the Bicentennial. WOW - I am so grateful that I have been able to be here to see these special moments! =)

hugs to you all!

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