Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Costume Party and Soccer photos

Hello all!

Well Spring is officially here. Apparently the first day of spring also coincides with “Dia de Juventud” (day for the teens basically), which gave my students multiple reasons to stay home from school! Last Friday I think about half the school came and the kids officially had Monday off for the holiday. They sure do have a lot of holidays here! ;)

Last Saturday, the church celebrated both events with a costume party. Yessica and I decided to be Hippie Twins. The teens sold hot dogs and juice to raise money for their group at church. We danced, we ate… we had a lot of fun!

This photo is of Frank and Liza Bedoya and their two kids. I think she definitely gets the most creative costume award (yes that is masking tape that she used to make her stripes! LOL)

For all the soccer fans out there, Olimpia has lost the last 2 games – very sad. The big game “El Classico” was against the huge rival Cerro. I didn’t understand it all, but I do know that a few players and a coach got red carded (kicked out). Aw well, so goes the game of soccer!

This photo is of everyone throwing paper in the air when the soccer players came on the field.

The next photo is of my Olimpia group! =)

Weather update – with spring here it has been cold, mild AND hot - overall like 80s/60s or 70s/50s. It has actually been very pleasant here!

School is moving along. I am now teaching 7th grade science along with all of my other classes. Fortunately I only teach science to them twice a week!

Every Friday though we have science workshops and I have been doing Biology dissections with them. We have already dissected a heart, kidney, liver, intestine, pig’s foot and fish! The kids have really enjoyed it though, which has made it fun!

hope you all are well!



1 comment:

  1. The soccer/futbol season must have been so much fun to watch. What a great opportunity to be a part of the real S. American culture. They are HUGE fans of their futbol! Love the costume party. You and Yessica looked totally hip!! The kiddos are adorable. Great fun your're obviously having!! Hugs and love, Mom
