Monday, April 13, 2009

I'm heading to Paraguay Mom! =)

Well folks, it is official...I am heading down to Paraguay this summer! CRAZY I KNOW!!

In order to get into Paraguay, you have to apply for a travel visa (important info if anyone wants to visit - *wink wink* ) So last Monday, during spring break, I drove down to Miami to get this process going. Now, when I read that I had to visit the Paraguay consulate to apply for the visa, I had visions of going inside a special building, with guards and you know...official embassy looking stuff. I was a TAD disappointed when it just ended up being an office in a random building - oh well! LOL =) (guess I watch too many movies)

But I left my passport, application and $ and they told me to come back in 2 days. So Wednesday, I drove down to Miami again and picked up my passport with my official visa inside (see photo)!

YAY! So the next step is to start applying for jobs and figuring out what to pack and what to store - big jobs ahead.

But my goal is to leave sometime in the middle of July. I will be visiting family and friends for most of June and so I will try and fly out sometime after that!

I will keep you all updated!

In case the google email doesn't give you the official blog address, it is:

1 comment:

  1. WOW!!! How exciting! We'll definitely be praying for you!!! :-)
