Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Paraguayan Wedding

Hello all
So a few months ago two good friends got married and it was fun to see all the traditions about weddings down here. The week of the wedding, we had the shower for Anita. Not sure why, but at the shower, the tradition is to dress her up all crazy, put crazy make-up on her..really just make her look horrible.Again, didn't really get the why, but it was fun to watch and of course take photos! LOL =) Other than that it was like a normal shower..presents, a couple of games, some sharing/advice and food. It was a really nice evening and since we made it a surprise for her, she was definitely encouraged! =)

So the day of the wedding,the ceremony was supposed to start at 8pm.But leave it to the Paraguayans to start late - LOL. I think most of the guests were there by 9pm, although many were still walking in around 10pm. The bride finally came a little after 10 and the party got started! It was a very simple, but sweet wedding ceremony. I think the bride and groom only stayed until 1 or 2am or so, but I am told many times everyone stays and dances until like 4 or 5am! Now THAT'S a party! haha

Here is a photo of Rolf and Anita.They didn't have bridesmaids or groomsmen. They just had 2 couples as official witnesses. I think some people do do the whole wedding party thing, but it also doesn't seem to be as big of a deal down here as it is in the US.

This is a picture of my friend Nathalia and I with the groom before the wedding.

Couple of interesting traditions...
1)After the first dance by the bride and groom. All the guys then dance with the bride and the ladies with the groom. You dance for a few seconds before the next person cuts in...it is done for luck.So, I of course danced a few seconds with Rolf - can't go jinxing myself here! LOL =)

2)They do throw the bouquet, but do not seem to do the whole garter belt thing.

3) They know about the old/borrowed/new/blue thing but couldn't really seem to get a feel for if it was really followed down here or not.

4)The cake was the most interesting part I thought. First they tie different charms onto ribbons. Then they place the charms on the outside of the cake and frost around it. Then all the single girls go to the cake, choose a ribbon and pull out the charm. If you pull out the wedding rings, then you will be the next one to get married. So they do the cake first and then the bouquet toss. Didn't get either one though..maybe next time! =)

Dinner was a simple baked chicken with rice and bread.The cake had layers of vanilla cake and dulce de leche in between - very yummy!

My friends and I left around 1am or so.It was a really nice wedding and I am of course super happy for new couple! =)