Sunday, May 30, 2010

Videos of traditional harp music and dancing!

So I was FINALLY able to download a couple of videos to show you all - yea, that took awhile! LOL

Video #1 - For the Jacksonville crew, the church invited a woman to come in and play the harp for our Sunday service. Paraguay is known for its traditional harp music. It was really cool hearing her play!

Video #2 - For their last service with us, a few members of the church did some traditional PY dancing for them. The lighting in the video is horrible, but hopefully you can at least get the idea! =)


Thursday, May 27, 2010

New friends from Jacksonville

Although all the churches in Florida support the churches in South America, the church in Jacksonville has specifically decided to support the church here in Asuncion, Paraguay. So this past week, we were lucky enough to have 7 members of the church fly down here to spend the week with us. The group consisted of a married couple, their son and daughter and then 3 single women from the church. The group came down here to not only learn about Paraguay, but also to encourage the members, as well as to participate in 2 service projects. I was battling a cold when they got here, so I wasn't able to help out with their 2 projects. But, I know that they first helped fix up a family's house that was in desperate need of painting and repair. Then they also went to an orphanage Saturday afternoon, bringing them toys and spending time with them.

Here is a photo of us waiting in the airport for them. Yes, there are a couple of words that aren't spelled correctly, but I was told it makes the sign that much more endearing! I agree! =)

The group arrived late Wednesday night, so we moved our midweek service to Thursday night. After church, a group of us went to a fast food place called Pancholo's to grab a bite to eat. From left to right is Tere, April, Yessi, Guille and Guille. April is the girl who stayed with Guille and Yessi and I. She was super fun and we instantly hit it off and became fast friends! She unfort only knew a few words in Spanish, but with her personal translator (me - LOL), she did her best to talk with everyone!

Friday night, we invited all of the singles over to the house for a devotional and a traditional Paraguayan asado. We grilled beef, sausage and had many of the fixin's including mandioca (yucca), rice and potato salad. Everyone had a blast! In this photo is Ricardo, Alma, Vale, Derlis, Sarah and Nancy (in the back). Sarah and Alma were 2 of our FL visitors.

This is David and his sister Sarah and then April. I was told that David and Sarah don't like traditional poses for photos - hence the funny look David has! LOL

Here is a photo with a lot of the women who came. The girl on the left in black is Maria, the third single woman who came with the group. Alma is in the middle, April and Sarah up front.

Saturday night a bunch of us went to see a concert by a Paraguayan group. They had guitars, bass, drums and percussion - it was great. I love this photo b/c you can see the lead singer using a cow's jaw bone as an instrument - that was a new one for me! LOL

After the concert, we took a quick group shot and then went to go eat some dinner.

This is a monument for the dead Paraguayan heroes - just love how it looks at night!

This is the yummy fish stew thing I ate for dinner. It was tomato based with onions and potatoes, not spicy though (most food isn't spicy here at all!) - but oh so yummy!

On Sunday, the church invited a woman to come play the harp for the end of our service. Apparently, Paraguay is well-known for its harp music. In the middle a bunch of us got up and started dancing - it was spontaneous and so much fun!

As I have mentioned before, World Cup Fever is in full swing. We took everyone to the mall and some group had painted a horse with red stripes to promote the World Cup - too funny!

Here is a photo of all of us at the mall!

Monday night was pizza, card games and dancing at the house for all the singles - remember how I mentioned David doesn't like to do the typical pose for photos - this one was of course no exception. So, although he looks bored, he was just trying to be funny! =)

Here is a photo of Guy and Loretta Berndt - the couple leading this crazy group! LOL Guy is even wearing his new PY World Cup jersey - I need to get me one of those too I think!

They stayed for almost a week and I know that the Paraguayans and the peeps from Jacksonville all had a blast! I think we may have even convinced a couple of them to come live down here for a year or so - pray for that! They were all just such wonderful people, so encouraging and loving to us! I know everyone here was super grateful for their visit!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

World Cup Fever is just beginning!

So the World Cup is starting up soon - the local newspaper even has a countdown on their website. Paraguay is of course going, as is the USA. I can't remember if I mentioned it in another post or not...but the night that Paraguay qualified for the World Cup was quite the exciting night!! Everyone was lined up along the streets waving PY flags, car horns were honking, people were was SUPER exciting for everyone involved! They were happy that they qualified, but they were also happy that they had qualified before Argentina!! (pretty intense rivalry between these 2 countries). LOL these World Cup sticker books came out less than a month ago and they have become a HUGE hit with all the children down here. What's funny is that I went ahead and bought one last week as a fun souvenir. But today there were 3 or 4 women standing outside the school giving the books away for free. Why, you ask? Because the money isn't in the books it's in the stickers that you put inside and I am here to tell you that it is QUITE the racket! LOL

Here's how it works: inside the book are two pages for every country participating. There is a sticker for every country, as well as a sticker for every player playing. There are also stickers for every stadium they will play in, as well as just official World Cup Stickers in general. IN FACT there are 640 stickers all together!!!! what is that about??

So, I went ahead and bought 2 packs of stickers for about $1. Inside each packet, there were ONLY 5 stickers...TOTAL racket I tell ya! Can you get a grasp on how much $ these parents are paying here? craziness!
With all the doubles/extras, the students at my school have even started some game to try and win stickers from other kids. Not entirely sure how it works yet, but they are all VERY addicted to it!

Here you can see the page for Paraguay - very excited to already have 2 players from the team.

Here is the US team - nothing yet!

So, will I be able to fill my book, no probably not. But am I still going to spend a few bucks to get a bunch of stickers, yea I will! =) It's fun!